me and my dorm-mate Lisabet yeser but we usually call her 'opung' (it means grandma in west Sumatra,,lol)..we are not fashionable yet but we are trying to be more stylish as we can,,at least for our self,,we are copy-cat,,yup,,,but it's only if the 'genre' is match up with us,,and as a college student we don't have enough budget,, so shopping is seldom things,,no branded and second hand stuff is a common things,,pasar gedebage in Bandung,ITC Mangga Dua,ITC Kuningan are like heaven for us,,a lot of 'dandy' items with low prices,,but for a second hand stuff such in pasar gedebage and pasar senen we have to be very very very careful and selectively to choose,,choose the item only if it has good quality,,and soak them in warm water for several minutes before washing them,,
ps : special thanks to Galuh Anggun Pretiwi as my dorm-mate too and for lending me the tanktop