Sunday, May 30, 2010

22nd life story

on my birthday, i said to my self :
"just feel happy with my life"
what ever will come just think positively,,i don't wanna be a grumbler, i don't wanna be a mushy, i have to be stronger, i have to be an understanding friend, i have to be daughter to be proud of
no more egoistic, no more anger
i will be smiling mitha, forgiving mitha,,
i will be mature as Mitha,,

please follow my blog, if you like it
thank you..


  1. Selamat ulang tahun sayang, semoga semua-semua impian terpenuhi. Amiiin..

    Baca cerpen baru gue ya,
    Cerpen: Kencan Bersamanya

  2. met ulang taun, tun..
    tapi kok fotonya rambut lo masih panjang?
    ko 'to: egy' ?

  3. iyah,,poto'a msh dspupu gw itu yg cowo,,mas egi,,dya kn bda shari ultah'a ma gw,,jd kmi slalu mrayakn bsama,,jd ni poto stahun yg lalu deh,,hahahaha
